Lake District Adventure...

I've neglected this blog a little bit, but I'll get back into the swing of things soon. I (just about) got away to the Lakes for a week away with my family over half term. It had it's ups & downs, but not looking at the same 4 walls was a treat...

We chose a cottage which we had been to before. We had a lovely view overlooking the marina, with a restaurant near by and a 2 minute walk into town. Because I don't get to spend much time with my family together, I really pushed myself to try get out as much as I could, which didn't end up going well.

I have a strict routine at home. I get up at a certain time, have rest breaks (and naps) though the day, eat certain foods, have my feet up nearly all the time...ect. The first problem was that when the baby was awake, I was asleep or resting, and vice versa. So, when I woke up at 11 and had an hours energy to use, the baby would be asleep so we couldn't go out. We eventually got the hang of that though, but then we had other obstacles!

As a lot of you know, I depend on my wheelchair a lot. Dad researched some flat(ish) paths to wheel around by the lake, but after a few hundred metres the wheelchair got stuck. That pretty much ruined the day as everyone was frustrated about not being able to do what we planned. However, on the way back a lovely man stopped up and gave me an offroad scooter! I think that was the only day I went properly out as we scooted round the whole tarn and I pretty much killed myself doing too much in one go... oops!

The village was only a few minutes away. Andrew, Abi, Jack & I went on a walk to the village for a little shop. But, on the way back my scooter ran out of battery and we had to push it home, which was a bit of a nightmare! I also got it wedged on a speedbump, I'm not the worlds best driver!

I also started having panic attacks again which was awful. Thankfully, everyone understands and helps me, so I had my whole family in the bathroom with me whilst I was shaking on the floor. I think I just overdid it, plus exam stress, which just tipped it over.

But, I absolutely loved spending time with my family. I love them to bits. It was lovely t get away, especially since we have so much going on, so the holiday was definitely worth it, despite the little niggles.

I've got to be so careful now I'm home. I mean, I'm always posting on instagram (I'm addicted!) positive things I've done, but I'm literally laid down flat, exhausted, for the rest of the day. I don't want to keep posting pictures of me in the dark in bed, or struggling to walk... I just like to show what I've achieved, even if people think I'm a lot better than I am from it! I have come so far though, but this relapse is taking me forever to get out of, but in 2 weeks time I'll be free!

More posts to come, keep an eye-out!

Kate x

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