

So, I realised that I've once again neglected my blog. I quite frankly just don't have the energy to keep up with it at the moment, but really want to keep everyone up to date with the exciting things I've been helping out with and I think it's a great way to document things. I went through a phase where I was able to blog every week but I've decided that I'll try to blog once a month now, if I can, unless there's something 'big' I want to blog about.

Every month since the start of the year, I have done these doodle drawings. I use them to remember all the achievements and good times I've had, as sometimes it's really difficult when you're stuck in hospital for the majority of your time. I shared my first few drawings online and I got some really lovely comments. Now, I even have people messaging me asking when this months doodle is going to be posted, which is so sweet. They're not perfect, I do all of them freehand and first try but it's a nice thing to do. So, I'm using the doodle drawing to expand and share, particularly volunteering wise, what I've been up to in the month.

Clarty Bairns - I started the month by helping out for two short sessions at Clarty Bairns outdoor obstacle course. I help Challenge Northumberland, the event organisers,  every year and absolutely love working with the family. I sit and sign people in/out but enjoy seeing people having fun on the course. In fact, I saw my sister complete it and raise over £50 for Project Parent in the process.

Project Parent - Danielle and I help our first proper 'meeting' and it involved a lot of pizza + sweets. We ended up covering the whole floor with paperwork, filling an A2 sheet with plans/ideas and working too many hours (for me anyways!). It's starting to get busy already, we've changed our boxes so my leaders are now in charge of what's going into their area, which at the moment still has ended up being a lot of work for me. I have lots of ideas, lists and emails - just not quite the energy to stretch and it's only going to get more hectic! I took my box along to 'Unicorn and Dinosaur Tea Party' too which was too cute, didn't do much promotion mind but welcoming kids was a lovely morning. 

Community DBT group - We all know the NHS is full of cut backs, but when I found out that one of the therapy sessions being used at the mental health centre had been cut from 1 year to just 8 weeks it really put things into perspective. It meant that this therapy felt like it was rushed and came to an abrupt halt, so, after some research I realised that we could rent a room and continue the work with a similar structure in the community. A group was set up and we all helped run a community based DBT group for people who needed extra support and I think it was remarkably successful 

Visit to Ferndene - Moving one from that, I visited Ferndene as the did a talk for PCP and really need some young adults to go in to help out with the children, especially with particular skills. I agreed that I'd go in and do some art sessions with them once I had some spare time/energy, but they're helping us with an art workshop with Frank (which will be continued in a minute) anyways. 

Workshop with Frank Styles - As a trustee of PCP we wanted to make a mural for the Spetchells Centre involving the youths in Prudhoe. I did the first day of the workshop yesterday where we worked on people and silhouettes and I've attended (some) of the final workshop today. It's been an amazing experience with a very talented artist so I can't wait to see the final piece.

Happy Faces - This is a new group for young people with additional needs which has opened at the East Centre in Prudhoe. It's something I'm passionate about, being inclusive, so I went along to see how it was working. I was pleased to see it was very successful and I'm very proud of everyone involved, and of course, looking forward to seeing it grow!

So, I've had quite a busy month, especially when I put it down on paper. I've managed to do about one lot of volunteering/community based things a week which has been so lovely to get back to, especially after my pneumonia, but I know I've overdone it so I need to roll back a bit. I do the majority of it with my carer but now everyone will be back at work I'll have to get back into more of a routine, and, not to be pessimistic but I usually have a winter relapse so I need to be prepared. But I'm enjoying what I'm doing and little bits + often (well, every week or so) is the way to go!

Hope everyone is okay. 'Til next time, Kate x

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