
September has also been blessed with a lot of opportunities and has been a rather busy month. Unfortunately, as the month went on I started finding it harder and harder to do my usual things like get out and I was hit by a really nasty relapse. So, the last week of September has been mainly stuck in bed and celebrating even just making it downstairs for an hour to watch a dvd, but I know to roll back and let my body rest to try slowly get back on my feet a bit more. Anyways, here's some of the things I've been up to in September in a bit more detail.

September doodle by myself 

Stocksfield Festival - We took a tombola and a cookie stall down to my local fete and raised a staggering £144. I had an incredible team (thanks Danielle, Elisa and my parents!) who helped a lot during the day as I wasn't well, and Carly had been sorting out all the prizes with me beforehand to help with my limited energy. The time I managed to spend down there was lovely and I especially love it being in my village as I get to see people I haven't been able to for quite awhile!

Lifespan Annual Celebration - This years Lifespan ball was at Durham Hall and it was a beautiful setting. Mum and I volunteered for an hour with their raffle tree then stayed to enjoy a lovely dinner with the guests. I was also in charge of social media for the night which was a new task for me which was quite fun and we had a fabulous time. We didn't stay for the auction/entertainment as I wasn't feeling well after dinner, but from the pictures the whole night looked like it was a great success.

Calvert Trust Kielder Filming - I was so excited and nervous for this filming opportunity but I have to admit I think my brain fog got the better of me that day. I met with the CT team at the Hilton and showed them my speech. I was so proud of what I'd wrote but being so tired that day, but brain remembered very little of it (or words!). Anyways, Charlotte was especially amazing (and very patient!) and helped prompt/interview me so once I relaxed we got rolling again. Now it's just the final countdown for the ball - so exciting!

Project Parent - Project Parent is generally starting to get very busy. I'm so thankful I have such a good, close knit team now otherwise It'd impossible. We've organised lots of events from book swaps, to halloween competitions. We've been sorting out merchandise which I'm just confirming with SALTO who have been stars! I've just got all the budgets in for everyones boxes for this year and we have started purchasing things for this years boxes already. On top of grant applications, thank you letters, website updates and keeping up to date with everything, its very busy.

Others - I had a sort out of my craft things and managed to donate things to Ferndene and Prudhoe Poppets. I absolutely loved getting shown around Prudhoe Poppets especially, they've done one incredible job and I was astonished at the number of children/parents there. We're now looking at joining up at Christmas for some Project Parent boxes! I go to Chilli studios with one of my carers fortnightly for an hour which I'm really liking, I wasn't ready a year ago but now I'm loving doing some crafts with a group. I've started making some crafts to sell for charity and for Christmas (got to start early when you have ME!)

Love as always, Kate x

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