I had plans, like I always do, but they started crumbling the closer and closer it got to the date, and more and more I got ill. This evening the Millennium Bridge is being lit up blue and local people with ME are all meeting up which I am absolutely gutted I'm missing - but it will no doubt be an amazing event. There's been lots going on, from coffee mornings to special kits being sold for fundraising. It's amazing seeing everyone pulling together on this one day, but the truth is that the majority of the ME community pull each other through every single day of the year, we are just trying our best to spread a little extra awareness today.
I've wrote quite a few blogs now for ME awareness, 'So you're ill every day?' was last year's and probably is a bit more informative. This year, I simply don't have the energy to do as much and it's a bit heartbreaking for me, as I see campaigning as a huge part of my life. But, I wrote a little something last night which I wanted to share, it's a little different but I guess that's ok.
Silent Fighters
You've had more tablets than types of food,
Exhausted from the roller coaster of anxiety and mood,
Curled up in bed, ready to drift away,
Positively trying to reflect on the day,
Yet remembering you've spent more time flat than upright,
That you've spent more time in darkness than the glorious sunlight,
And the achievement of the day was simply getting dressed,
That you'd rate your pain score an 8 at the best,
You can't remember the last time you were able to walk,
And today you were even struggling to communicate, to talk,
But you scroll one last time before bed, on your phone,
And find like 250,000 people, that you are not alone,
That each and every day you have to wake up and fight,
In the hope that someone will find cure or even a small incite,
So whilst I lay in bed, writing poems as it's getting lighter,
I want to dedicate this. Here's to us; the silent fighters.
Before I go, here's a few links to some ME related charities which can give you more info + support.
Kate x
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