Little Things Mean A Lot

Today is a little blog post inspired by the little things in life which are getting me through at the moment. 

I've had a bit of a rough time at the moment health wise, to the point where eating has become an issue. It's a hard balance to keep your mind busy from anxiety and rested from tiredness. But here are a few things which have helped, and, might help others suffering too.

First and foremost, my family have been my rock. I've had a few really good friends who've been offering visits and have been texting which has been amazing. These things get me through more than anything.

Never underestimate the power of comfy shorts and fluffy socks.

Comfort is key. Knitted blankets, soft pillows and fluffy toys.

Something to take your mind off things. In this case, little craft projects.

Relaxing. Notebook for thoughts, magazine, cream for massages, headphones for music and my anti-anxiety remedies.

For trouble eating/swallowing I have nice teas, energy gel and straws.

And for resting. Eye mask and ear plugs.

Hope everyone is doing well, Kate x

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