Hello :)
Today is a shorter post, as I have an exam tomorrow, which I'm absolutely dreading, so need to rest. Please everyone keep your fingers crossed, I need all the luck I can get..
As I am now a textiles student, I've been doing a lot of Vogue studying, and since I've been keeping an eye on the catwalks, here are 10 trends for 2013!
Spring / Summer Fashion Trends - 10 Must Have's
Graphic Dress - Think big, bold and shapes
Sheen Skirt - Become a magpie and love everything shiny
Pencil Skirt - Think bold colours and power
Florescent Top - Neon - the brighter the better
Bomber Jacket - Statement jacket
90's Styling - Layers, clashes, it's in!
White Dress - Pretty self explanatory
Burmuda's - Or 'boy shorts' as I like to call them
60's Top - Sexy and floral
Candy Stripes - Still in!
Hope you enjoy my little fashion run down for this coming season :)
lots of love, kate x
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