The start of (Not Another) Blue Monday

Ever since New Year, my mind has been running away with me. The more I tried to 'rest', the more ideas seemed to be brewing inside. I find it hard to switch off, but when I have ideas, I also find it very hard not to get excited or follow them through. This, was one of my ideas and I've spent the last few weeks teaching myself how I'm going to adapt it to my energy limitations.

(Not Another) Blue Monday

Blue Monday falls on the 3rd Monday of January and is known as officially being the most 'depressing day of the year'. Well, there's not a better day than today to start my idea for my blog.

Over Christmas I spent a lot of time, like lots of others, scrolling through social media platforms. And quite frankly, I didn't like reading most of it. Facebook was plastered with comments about how the local youths are now ruining the town. And from one comment, comes a snowball of negativity. Blaming parents, blaming organisations, even blaming buildings (yep). This is just one example. I've seen negative posts on all social media platforms about a whole range of subjects. All age ranges, sexes, ethnicities, disabilities - the lot. 

I'm not a one-man-band who's going to change any of that. But using this blog, I do want to shine a light on some good people who are doing things, which often are going unrecognised, in the community. Too often we jump on a keyboard to complain (and I am guilty for this) but we should also be praising those who are making a difference. 

Monday's are usually quite 'blue' anyways; usually as it's the start of the week and you have that  typical Monday feeling. Which is why, my  posts will be up on a Monday, to brighten Monday up (hopefully!). I can't promise they will be every Monday, they may only be once a month, but I have some amazing people ready to interview who are doing incredible things.

So, if you'd like to follow the interviews which I'll be doing, click 'subscribe' or check on my website on Mondays and click (Not Another) Blue Monday. If you're doing something good in the community and would like to be interviewed, do get in touch, my details are on my 'contact me' section. I'm not looking for people who have raise thousands of pounds, or have given huge gifts. I believe that the world can be changed one small act of kindness at a time.

Kate x

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