So, due to my recent setback and my usual having-to-use-energy-wisely I have came up with a list of 5 things to do to use your energy wisely. It doesn't matter if you're ill or not, time is usually crammed with an endless list of jobs and can seem quite overwhelming. Well, fear no more!
- Moment. This app changed me, a lot. It's so easy to spend endless hours on your phone. Whether it's social media, searching for things online or playing games. I downloaded 'moment' on the app store and you can set a limit for how long you spend on your phone. You'll be really surprised how long you spend on there, even just checking messages and emails. I thoroughly recommend it, it's helped me manage and track my usage so well.
2. Get an organiser. It's a simple idea but having to carry all those pieces of paper with appointments and notes on is a nightmare. I love my organiser. You can buy small, fashionable ones from places like paperchase. Definitely worth an investment.
3. Get a simple 'to-do' pad. The best one I've seen are from paperchase (can you tell I love that shop!). You can set out your jobs list and then choose 3 jobs a day which you have to do, then 3 jobs you would like to do. Don't set too many jobs in one day.
4. Set goals. Simple goals of what you'd actually like to do. Whether its have a pamper night in one evening or go to the cinema. Make sure they're realistic though.
5. Set aside time for the important people in your life. I make sure that in the evening I spend at least an hour with my family, whether it's downstairs or in bed if I'm poorly. I also try text my friends once a week and try meet up with someone every few weeks. Friends and family are very important so finding some energy for them is crucial, particularly for me.
That's all from me for today, I'll be publishing some more blogs soon on LUSH reviews, uni work and volunteering :)
Kate x
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